


I'M Brynold

Hello, I'm Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) helps deliver the quality and performance of large-scale custom hardware multi-platform software products that include Web and Mobile application interfaces. Experience with various tools and technologies, willingness to continue growth and self-motivated engineer who can work collaboratively in a continuous integration environment.

about me

name : Brynold

qualification : BE,MS,PGD

post : Software Development Engineer in Test

language : English,Tamil


years of experience


project completed

my Experience

july 2019-feb 2020


✔ Involved in web automation Framework development and Regressioin and feature Testing, Sorted out complex scenario and find out best solution.
✔ Trained JAVA - 8 - oops Concepts , Data Structures and Algorithms
✔ Trained in Selenium 3.0 Packages.
✔ Trained in TestNg framework and Developed From Scratch.
✔ Experience in E-Commerce domains Applications.

march 2020-july 2020

Daytona System - Trainee

✔ Demonstrated proficiency on Automation activities, serving various domains such as E-Commerce and Banking.
✔ Experienced creating Frameworks from scratch by using Page Object Model,Page Factory and automation tools like Maven,Selenium WebDriver, Appium, TestNG, and Jenkins.
✔ Experienced on Front-End Test Automation (Web Application and Mobile Automation).
✔ Used Java, Selenium, Appium, Maven and TestNG.
✔ Performed Functional testing and Regression testing at various phases of development life cycle for impacted existing functionality.

Aug 2020-september 2021

Daytona System-SDET

✔ Experienced on different phases of Software Testing and Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), including Agile methodologies.
✔ Proven ability in developing and designing Automation Frameworks like Hybrid Framework.
✔ Experienced creating Frameworks from scratch by using Page Object Model, Page Factory and automation tools like Maven, Selenium WebDriver, Appium, TestNG, and Jenkins.
✔ Experienced on Front-End Test Automation (Web Application and Mobile Automation) using Java, Selenium, Appium, Maven and TestNG
✔ Used POSTMAN for Manual API Testing and REST Assured library for automation.
✔ Experienced in cross Platform Testing, Smoke Testing and functional Testing on Android devices using BrowserStack.

October 2021 -present


✔ Developing Automation Test Scripts in Selenium WebDriver using Java based on the design pattern Page Object Model for reusability.
✔ Proven ability in developing and designing Automation Frameworks like Hybrid Framework.
✔ Writing Test cases using Element locators, WebDriver methods, Java programming features and TestNG Annotations.
✔ Reviewing the Test Reports using TestNG framework.
✔ Integrating Allure Report to showcase the Application stability.
✔ Using CI/CD tools such as Jenkins to run Test suites in different environments at dedicated timings.
✔ Experience in Functional Testing of UI(Web/Mobile), API and Database validations with SQL Queries.

education section ends

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